


import graphviz
from collections import Counter

def visualize_tree(root, filename="frequency_tree"):
    dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='Frequency Tree')

    def add_nodes_edges(node):
        if node:
            dot.node(str(id(node)), f"{node.value} ({node.frequency})")
            if node.left:
                dot.edge(str(id(node)), str(id(node.left)))
            if node.right:
                dot.edge(str(id(node)), str(id(node.right)))

    dot.render(filename, view=True)

class Node:
    def __init__(self, value, frequency=0):
        self.value = value  # 可以是 tag 或合并后的节点
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
def get_height(node):
    if not node:
        return -1  # 空节点高度为 -1,方便计算
    return 1 + max(get_height(node.left), get_height(node.right))
def find_nodes_at_height(root, target_height):
    if not root:
        return []

    nodes_at_height = []
    if get_height(root) == target_height:

    nodes_at_height.extend(find_nodes_at_height(root.left, target_height))
    nodes_at_height.extend(find_nodes_at_height(root.right, target_height))

    return nodes_at_height
def build_frequency_tree(data):
    """根据 tag 出现的频次构建二叉树。"""

    tag_counts = Counter()
    for item in data:

    # 创建叶子节点列表
    nodes = [Node(tag, count) for tag, count in tag_counts.items()]

    # 特殊情况处理:没有tag
    if not nodes:
        return None

    while len(nodes) > 1:
        # 按频率排序
        nodes.sort(key=lambda node: node.frequency)

        # 取出频率最低的两个节点
        left = nodes.pop(0)
        right = nodes.pop(0)

        # 创建一个新节点,频率为两个子节点之和
        merged_node = Node(f"{left.value}+{right.value}", left.frequency + right.frequency) # value保存合并信息
        merged_node.left = left
        merged_node.right = right

        # 将新节点插入节点列表,并保持排序

    return nodes[0]  # 返回根节点

def print_tree(root, indent=""):
    if root:
        print(indent + f"{root.value} ({root.frequency})")
        print_tree(root.left, indent + "  ")
        print_tree(root.right, indent + "  ")

data = [
    "title": "titleA",
    "tags": ["玩后感"]
    "title": "Canokey Canary 与权威证书机构",
    "tags": ["证书"]
  # ...

root = build_frequency_tree(data)

if root:
    print("Frequency Tree:")

    height_1_nodes = find_nodes_at_height(root, 1)
    if height_1_nodes:
        print("\nNodes at height 1:")
        for node in height_1_nodes:
            print(f"  {node.value} ({node.frequency})")
        print("\nNo nodes found at height 2.")

    print("No tags found in the data.")

no_tag_entries = [item["title"] for item in data if not item["tags"]]
if no_tag_entries:
    print("\nEntries without tags:")


Nodes at height 1:
  NixOS+诗 (12)
  前端+记忆 (4)
  玩后感+证书 (2)
  nixos+安装 (2)
  墙内+milieuim (2)
  rust+iterator (2)
  fix+享做笔记 (2)
  无界笔记+未解决 (2)
  妆台秋思+古曲 (2)
  二胡+怪异 (2)
  js+编译 (2)
  sops-nix+agenix (2)
  agenix-rekey+vaultix (2)
  梁祝+小提琴 (2)
  协奏+吕思清 (2)
  matrix+bridge (2)
  mautrix+conduit (2)
  telegram+Lezel (2)
  typst+avbroot (2)
  pixel+nixpkgs (2)
  tracker+pr (2)

从频次较少的组合来,从先验的 节点个数/4 得出第一次构建的预期。

将已经构建完成的节点所指的文章从数据集中移除,开始第二次构建二叉树。 在数深度大于4的时候继续迭代。

鉴于文章数量已经大大减少, 可预见地在树的深度等于4的时候,我们将选取的节点层数更改为2,以获得较少量的4个标签的聚类。

import { Ok, Err, Throwable } from '@typ3/throwable'

import { MateriaType } from "./Arti";
import { isIn } from '~/lib/fn';

function TagReasm(materia: MateriaType): Map<string, MateriaType> {
  let ret: Map<string, MateriaType> = new Map();
  let varMateria = materia;
  while (true) {
    let tree = binTreeBorn(varMateria);
    if (tree.isOk) {
      let { newmap, cleanTags } = tree.unwrap();
      ret = new Map([...newmap, ...ret]);
      // diaaaammmmmnnnn
      // 这里我曾经被小坑了一下
      varMateria = varMateria.filter((i) => {
        return !i.tags.some((e) => cleanTags.has(String(e)));
    } else {

  return ret

// construct binarya trree
function binTreeBorn(materia: MateriaType): Throwable<{ newmap: Map<string, MateriaType>, cleanTags: Set<string> }, null> {
  if (materia.length == 0) return Err(null)
  let root = buildFrequencyTree(materia);
  let newmap: Map<string, MateriaType> = new Map();

  console.log("root height", getHeight(root.unwrap()))
  let targetHeight = getHeight(root.unwrap()) > 4 ? 1 : 2;

  if (root) {
    // console.log("Frequency Tree:");
    // printTree(root.unwrap());
    let tagTobeClean: Set<string> = new Set();

    const nodesAtTargetHeight = findNodesAtHeight(root.unwrap(), targetHeight);
    if (nodesAtTargetHeight.length > 0) {
      console.log(`\nNodes at height: ${targetHeight}`)
      let nodesATHR = nodesAtTargetHeight.reverse();
      for (let n = 0; n < nodesAtTargetHeight.length / 4; n++) {
        let node = nodesATHR[n]!;

        console.log(`  ${node.value} (${node.frequency})`);
        let artiCoresp: Set<MateriaType[0]> = new Set()
        node.value.forEach((i) => {

          materia.filter((a) => isIn(a.tags, i)).forEach((at) => {
        // console.log(artiCoresp)
        newmap.set(node.value.join(' / '), Array.from(artiCoresp))
      // console.log(tagTobeClean)

      return Ok({ newmap, cleanTags: tagTobeClean })
    } else {
      console.log(`\nNo nodes found at height ${targetHeight}.`)
  } else {
    console.log("No tags found in the data.");

  return Err(null)


class Node {
  value: string[];
  frequency: number;
  left: Node | null;
  right: Node | null;

  constructor(value: string[], frequency: number = 0) {
    this.value = value;
    this.frequency = frequency;
    this.left = null;
    this.right = null;

function buildFrequencyTree(data: MateriaType): Throwable<Node, null | undefined> {
  const tagCounts: { [tag: string]: number } = {};

  for (const item of data) {
    for (const tag of item.tags) {
      tagCounts[tag] = (tagCounts[tag] || 0) + 1;

  const nodes: Node[] = [];
  for (const tag in tagCounts) {
    nodes.push(new Node([tag], tagCounts[tag]));

  if (nodes.length === 0) {
    return Err(null);

  while (nodes.length > 1) {
    nodes.sort((a, b) => a.frequency - b.frequency);

    const left = nodes.shift()!;
    const right = nodes.shift()!;

    const mergedNode = new Node(left.value.concat(right.value), left.frequency + right.frequency);
    mergedNode.left = left;
    mergedNode.right = right;


  return Ok(nodes[0]);

function getHeight(node: Node | null): number {
  if (!node) {
    return -1;
  return 1 + Math.max(getHeight(node.left), getHeight(node.right));

function findNodesAtHeight(root: Node | null, targetHeight: number): Node[] {
  if (!root) {
    return [];

  const nodesAtHeight: Node[] = [];
  if (getHeight(root) === targetHeight) {

  nodesAtHeight.push(...findNodesAtHeight(root.left, targetHeight));
  nodesAtHeight.push(...findNodesAtHeight(root.right, targetHeight));

  return nodesAtHeight;
export default TagReasm;
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