终端模拟器 terminfo 缺失





pacman -S ncurses

或在 .zshrc.bashrc 中添加以下字串:

export TERM=xterm
  • Sep15 22:31 2021 update:

远程连接中键盘输入错误的原因很可能是因为远端并不支持我所用的终端模拟器 AlacrittyTerminfo ,故出现此种情况。

  • Sep16 15:22 2021 update:

When connecting to a remote system from an Alacritty terminal, for instance over SSH, it can occur that the system does not have an entry for Alacritty in its terminfo database (/usr/share/terminfo/a/alacritty*). Therefore, all interactive terminal functionality does not work. This can be fixed by copying the terminfo for Alacritty to the remote server reference

On the local host, using Alacritty:

$ infocmp > alacritty.terminfo # export Alacritty's Terminfo
$ scp alacritty.terminfo user@remote-host:~/ # or any other method to copy to the remote host

On the remote host, in the directory where you copied alacritty.terminfo:

$ tic -x alacritty.terminfo # import Terminfo for current user
$ rm alacritty.terminfo # optional: remove Terminfo file
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